Menambah RAM Dengan Menggunakan Hardisk

Menambah RAM dengan menggunakan Hardisk ?? PC keluaran terbaru pastinya memiliki kapasitas hardisk yang sangat besar...


Ikuze Shining! Running! Forever Mae e tsukisusumu no sa Kawaru koto no nai kizuna wa kitto "Yume no hate" terashidasu...

Rabu, 25 September 2013

[Lirik] One Piece - At A Time

Cover One Piece

Well, I left Kentucky back in '49 
An' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly line 
The first year they had me puttin' wheels on cadillacs

Every day I'd watch them beauties roll by 
And sometimes I'd hang my head and cry 
'Cause I always wanted me one that was long and black. 

One day I devised myself a plan 
That should be the envy of most any man 
I'd sneak it out of there in a lunchbox in my hand 
Now gettin' caught meant gettin' fired 
But I figured I'd have it all by the time I retired 
I'd have me a car worth at least a hundred grand. 

I'd get it one piece at a time

And it wouldn't cost me a dime

You'll know it's me when I come through your town

I'm gonna ride around in style

I'm gonna drive everybody wild

'Cause I'll have the only one there is a round. 

So the very next day when I punched in

With my big lunchbox and with help from my friends

I left that day with a lunch box full of gears

Now, I never considered myself a thief

GM wouldn't miss just one little piece

Especially if I strung it out over several years.

The first day I got me a fuel pump

And the next day I got me an engine and a trunk

Then I got me a transmission and all of the chrome

The little things I could get in my big lunchbox

Like nuts, an' bolts, and all four shocks

But the big stuff we snuck out in my buddy's mobile home.

Now, up to now my plan went all right

'Til we tried to put it all together one night

And that's when we noticed that something was definitely wrong.

The transmission was a '53

And the motor turned out to be a '73

And when we tried to put in the bolts all the holes were gone.

So we drilled it out so that it would fit

And with a little bit of help with an A-daptor kit

We had that engine runnin' just like a song

Now the headlight' was another sight

We had two on the left and one on the right

But when we pulled out the switch all three of 'em come on.

The back end looked kinda funny too

But we put it together and when we got thru

Well, that's when we noticed that we only had one tail-fin

About that time my wife walked out

And I could see in her eyes that she had her doubts

But she opened the door and said "Honey, take me for a spin."

So we drove up town just to get the tags

And I headed her right on down main drag

I could hear everybody laughin' for blocks around

But up there at the court house they didn't laugh

'Cause to type it up it took the whole staff

And when they got through the title weighed sixty pounds.

I got it one piece at a time

And it didn't cost me a dime

You'll know it's me when I come through your town

I'm gonna ride around in style

I'm gonna drive everybody wild

'Cause I'll have the only one there is around.

Ugh! Yow, RED RYDER 

This is the COTTON MOUTH


Huh, This is the COTTON MOUTH

And negatory on the cost of this mow-chine there RED RYDER

You might say I went right up to the factory

And picked it up, it's cheaper that way

Ugh!, what model is it?

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Teknologi Canggih - Humor Online

Suatu ketika, 4 orang peneliti dari 4 negara, yaitu Amerika, Jerman, Jepang dan Indonesia saling memamerkan teknologi nenek moyang mereka. 

Peneliti dari Amerika membuka pembicaraan, “Setelah diadakan penyelidikan, ditemukan bahwa 15 kilometer di bawah tanah di salah satu negara bagian USA, sudah ditemukan adanya kabel. Itu berarti 300 tahun yang lalu sudah ada listrik di Amerika."

Jerman tidak mau kalah. Dengan bangga menceritakan, “Para peneliti kami telah menemukan kabel setelah menggali sedalam 50 kilometer. Itu berarti 500 tahun yang lalu sudah ada listrik di negara kami.”

Jepang juga tidak mau kalah. Ia menceritakan bahwa di negaranya telah ditemukan kabel pada kedalaman 200 kilometer di bawah tanah. Menurut perhitungan, itu berarti 1.000 tahun yang lalu sudah ada listrik di Jepang.

Peneliti Indonesia berdecak kagum mendengar cerita tersebut. Kini giliran dia yang harus menceritakan teknologi di Indonesia. Dia bingung dan berpikir sejenak. Akhirnya menemukan ide dan mulai bercerita.

“Di negara kami sudah dilakukan penggalian oleh para kuli kami yang merupakan pekerja keras. Kami sudah menggali sampai kedalaman 1.000 kilometer, tapi belum ditemukan adanya kabel listrik. Itu artinya, sudah sejak beribu-ribu tahun yang lalu negara kami sudah mengenal Teknologi Wireless.”